Buy a Biz - Keep Day Job

Rental Businesses, Laundromats and Self-Storage - Oh My!

Hey there, Side Hustle Superstars:

Ever caught yourself wondering how some folks manage to snag a winning business acquisition while keeping their day job?

It's like playing a game of chess with a safety net, where your first venture into business ownership could be a game-changer without risking your steady income.

Let's dive into the juicy details of three business types that are crushing it in the market, perfect for those looking to invest wisely while holding onto their W2.

First up, laundromats.

Laundromats: A sparkling opportunity to clean up in business with immediate steady cash flow and a spin cycle of success. Yeah, you heard me right!

They're like the little engine that could in the business world – slow and steady, but totally killing it with a whopping 94.8% success rate over five years.

The secret sauce?

Well, it's simple – people always need clean clothes, whether the economy's booming or busting.

And the best part?

You can totally manage it from your couch with just a handful of people.


  • Eco-friendly laundromats with solar energy and water-saving tech.

  • 24/7 automated laundromats with app-based booking.

  • Boutique laundromats with cafe vibes for a chill laundry day.

  • Mobile laundry services targeting busy urban neighborhoods.

  • Laundry lounges offering internet and workspace amenities.

Next on the list, rental property businesses.

They're like the golden goose of making money, with a pretty sweet 85.3% success rate.

Imagine having a goose that keeps popping out golden eggs in the shape of rent money, every single month.

And to make it even better, you get tax breaks and your property could even go up in value.

Rental businesses are like small business money-making machines that keep going with just a little help, bringing in cash without needing a big team to run them.


  • Cozy vacation rentals in off-the-beaten-path locations.

  • Urban co-working spaces for professionals.

  • Pet-friendly apartments with cool amenities for furry friends.

  • Eco-conscious properties with green living features.

  • Short-term executive rentals with high-end finishes and services.

Last but not least, let's talk about self-storage facilities.

Think of these as the low-maintenance cousin of real estate, with a kick ass 92% success rate.

Storage units in the USA are like magnets for renters; there's always someone ready to fill that space, with their rent check in hand, month after month. Steady cash flow month after month.

With a little help from tech, you can manage everything from your favorite arm chair and there's loads of room to add value.


  • Climate-controlled units for sensitive items.

  • Secure RV and boat storage options.

  • 24-hour accessible units with high-tech security.

  • Storage spaces with online inventory management tools.

  • Specialized storage for collectibles and art.

And there you have it, folks - the inside scoop on three rockstar businesses that are making waves!

But remember, the key to snagging one of these gems isn't just about dreaming big. It's about being ready to leap when the right opportunity comes knocking.

Think of it this way: Business buyers armed with a fully-vetted SBA prequalification letter are like VIPs with a speed pass at an amusement park. They skip the long lines and get right to the front, ready to claim their prize.

And that's where I come in. My role is to guide you through the entire process - prepare, prequalify, package, source, and fund. We move FAST from start to funding because we're prepared together.

So, if you're ready to jump into the world of successful business ownership, let's get that speed pass in your hand and make your business dreams a reality!

Reach out, and let's start this exciting journey together!


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