Empowering Corporate Women

Top Entrepreneurship Voice Dear Deb Newsletter Edition #60

Seizing Small Business Purchase Finance Opportunities

Are you a seasoned corporate woman looking for new avenues to thrive professionally?

Are you tired of the corporate ladder grind and seeking a more fulfilling path?

If so, you're not alone. Many experienced women in the corporate world are exploring alternative career paths that offer more flexibility, independence, and personal fulfillment.

One avenue that's gaining traction is acquiring small businesses.

As baby boomers retire and sell their businesses, savvy aspiring entrepreneurs have many opportunities to step in and take the reins. For seasoned corporate women, this can be an especially attractive option.

Your years of experience in the corporate world have equipped you with valuable skills that are highly transferable to entrepreneurship.

Whether you excel at leadership, strategic thinking, managing people or problem-solving, you have what it takes to succeed in small business.

Corporate skills fuel entrepreneurial dreams. Embrace the shift, find your path.

Welcome to Richard Parker's FREE Business Buyer Networking & Learning Series.

You're invited. On Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, at 7 pm EST, join Richard and other aspiring business buyers diving into the following topics:

DEALING WITH BUSINESS BROKERS – They can be a buyer’s best ally or their worst enemy. Learn how to effectively work with them so they show you their best deals first and ensure they do not interfere with you getting a deal done with the seller.

YOUR PROFESSIONAL TEAM – Attorneys and accountants are essential on your deal team. If you don’t hire the right ones or manage them well, you can easily blow a deal and needlessly spend a fortune on their services.

ASK Richard Parker ANYTHING - Q & A - open questions from attendees and, quite frankly, my favorite time of the webinar.

No question asked is too big or too small. Every question asked is a great question where we all learn together.


Many business buyers need funding. For those buyers who need bank capital backed by the SBA, work with me to prepare, prequalify, and source the best loan project to support the business purchase.

Not all banks are created equal, making sourcing bank funds daunting. You can't waste time when under an LOI - Letter of Intent.

As a business buyer ally, I specialize in helping seasoned corporate women like yourself navigate the exciting yet daunting world of small business acquisition financing backed by the SBA.

I'm here to guide you from identifying profitable listing opportunities to securing funding through SBA-backed loans.

But beware, not all opportunities are created equal.

Choosing your allies wisely is crucial in a market flooded with business-buying advisors and online courses. Look for advisors with experience, integrity, and a track record of success.

So, if you're ready to transition from corporate to entrepreneurship, get your feet wet and join Richard Parker's free webinar series.

Let's empower each other to seize the opportunities that await us in the small business listing market.


Deb Curtis

Catch Business Buying Banter - No BS Live streaming on Thursday, May 16th, 2024 at 2 pm EST. This episode will dive into common mistakes business buyers make before LOI - Letter of Intent. Register here.

Deb Curtis and Richard Parker


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