

Entrepreneurship Deb Curtis Entrepreneurship Deb Curtis

A Time of Change

The Silver Tsunami and Corporate Reality

Business brokers can't stand business buyers who are not properly vetted and prequalified. Don't start the buying process with them.

Remember, change is the only constant, but opportunity is the steady horizon.

It's time for a change, and this might just be a divine sign for you. Let's save small businesses, promote you to CEO small business owner, and keep our country strong. We can do this together.

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Entrepreneurship Deb Curtis Entrepreneurship Deb Curtis

The Great Business Transfer

The Great Business Transfer: How Retiring Baby Boomer Small Business Owners Create Opportunities for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Over the next decade, America will experience a historic transfer of business wealth and ownership. As the baby boomer generation increasingly retires, the businesses they built and nurtured for decades will change hands.

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Business Acquisitions Deb Curtis Business Acquisitions Deb Curtis

The Power of the Pivot: The Right Way to Buy a Profitable Small Business

Ever heard of the term "pivot"?

In an old classic Friends episode, it meant giving it your all to hurry to move furniture up the stair case so nobody broke their back!

In business buying, it means knowing when to change course to get the best deal.

Let's talk about why the power of the pivot is crucial for anyone looking to buy an established, money-making small business.

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Business Acquisitions Deb Curtis Business Acquisitions Deb Curtis

Purchased. Not Built.

The Appeal of Buying an Existing Small Business

Yearning to break free from the corporate world and be your own boss? Starting a business from scratch may sound daunting. An alternative path to entrepreneurship could be acquiring an established local small business already generating revenue.

Purchasing an existing profitable company offers compelling benefits

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Women In Business Deb Curtis Women In Business Deb Curtis

Empowering Seasoned Corporate Women

Understanding the Gap: A New Path for Seasoned Women in Business

Ladies, imagine a world where opportunities are abundant, where our dreams are not just dreams but realities waiting to unfold. In the corporate landscape, we find a hidden treasure, a path less traveled, leading to profitable small businesses ready for new leadership. Why is this gem so hidden, especially from seasoned women in the corporate world? It's time to discover this path together!

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Women In Business Deb Curtis Women In Business Deb Curtis

Rosie to #MeToo: Equality Advocate

The Struggle for Women's Equality in America

Women have come a long way in securing equal employment opportunities in the United States over the past century. However, it has been a long and difficult journey.

I will work to reform biased corporate cultures that limit women's advancement. Most importantly, I will never stop fighting until complete gender equality is a reality. The time for change is now.

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Business Acquisitions Deb Curtis Business Acquisitions Deb Curtis

Comparing Free Cash Flow and Seller Discretionary Earnings - SDE

Free Cash Flow vs. SDE for Small Business Buyers

Let's dive into a topic I know can be tricky:

Taxes for small business owners.

When we pay taxes, we can reduce what we owe using "deductions". These are expenses that Uncle Sam lets us subtract from our income. The less income we have to tax, the less we owe.

Each business type, like sole proprietorship or LLC, can claim different deductions. Here's a simple breakdown

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Business Acquisitions Deb Curtis Business Acquisitions Deb Curtis

Start Smart, Finish Strong

Your Guide to Acquiring a Profitable Small Business: Start Smart, Finish Strong

Are you standing at the threshold of entrepreneurship, eager to acquire an established, profitable small business?

You're at an exciting crossroads, and the path you take can shape your journey's success. Let's make it count!

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Small Business Impact Deb Curtis Small Business Impact Deb Curtis

The Powerhouse of Local Economies

The Powerhouse of Local Economies: Why Small Businesses Matter More Than You Think

The Unseen Economic Impact of Small Businesses

While the limelight often falls on large corporations, the true heroes of our economy are the small businesses that quietly drive our local communities. Despite the lack of media attention, these enterprises are the lifeblood of the American economy.

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Your Unforeseen Lifeline in the Silver Tsunami

Plan B: Your Unforeseen Lifeline in the Silver Tsunami

Are you ready to ride the Silver Tsunami?

Or will you let it wash you away?

As we stand on the precipice of the second half of 2023, the outlook is bleak.

Economic forecasters warn of a full-on recession; job security feels as rare as a solar eclipse; and artificial intelligence, like a tireless, relentless army, marches on, steadily usurping human-held corporate positions.

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Deb Curtis Deb Curtis

Honoring Legacies on Father's Day

Honoring Legacies and Navigating the Silver Tsunami – A Unique Opportunity

On this beautiful Father's Day, a day of honoring and remembering those who have given us guidance and care, I am reminded of a phenomenon we are experiencing in the business world - the Silver Tsunami.

Over 11,000 Baby Boomers retire daily, many owning long-established, profitable small businesses.

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Business Planning and Strategy Deb Curtis Business Planning and Strategy Deb Curtis

Setting Sail: Business Plan

Setting Sail: A Business Plan as Your Compass in Acquisition

Dear Aspiring Entrepreneur,

Acquiring an established, profitable small business is akin to setting sail on an expedition filled with uncharted territories and bountiful opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned captain or a first-time sailor in the entrepreneurial sea, one navigational tool is essential: a well-structured business plan.

A business plan is more than a ticket to financial support.

It is your compass.

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Business Acquisition Strategy Deb Curtis Business Acquisition Strategy Deb Curtis

Aspiring Business Buyer Pitfalls

Navigating the Pitfalls: Top Ten Buyer Missteps in Small Business Acquisition

The entrepreneurial allure of owning a small business is stronger than ever in today's digital era.

Broker listings are saturated with enticing offers like 'absentee-owned' businesses, '100% seller financing,' 'SBA-qualified,' and the proposition of buying a 'boring but profitable' venture.

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Deb Curtis Deb Curtis

Amplifying Diverse Voices in Small Business

Entrepreneurship is often called the American dream – a path to success, financial freedom, and independence.

However, for women and people of color who are interested in buying established small businesses, this dream can quickly become a nightmare due to numerous barriers that stand in their way.

In this article, I will break down the obstacles faced by these groups when it comes to buying small businesses and explore ways we can work towards breaking down those barriers once and for all.

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Business Acquisition Strategy Deb Curtis Business Acquisition Strategy Deb Curtis

Smart Investment or Risky Gamble?

Are you considering buying a small business but don't have the time or desire to be an active owner? Then an absentee-owned small business might sound like the perfect solution! Absentee ownership allows you to own and operate a business from afar without being involved in day-to-day operations.

Before jumping into this type of investment, weighing the pros and cons is crucial. In this blog post, we'll explore both sides of owning an absentee-owned small business so that you can make an informed decision.

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Deb Curtis Deb Curtis

Real Business Profits Matter

Real Business Profits Matter for Serious Buyers

To determine the historical small business listing net cash flow that will reflect if the small business can service a proposed change of business ownership bank loan project, you will need to follow these steps

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Deb Curtis Deb Curtis

New Kid on the Block

Transitioning from being an employee to owning a small business can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, it's not without its challenges, and many new small business owners make common mistakes that can derail their success.

In this article, I want to share the top five mistakes new small business owners make when transitioning into an established business. You can avoid these pitfalls and set yourself up for success by understanding them.

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Deb Curtis Deb Curtis

The Silver Tsunami - 10,000 Daily

Are you worried about the uncertainty and risk of starting a business from scratch?

Have you considered the alternative of buying an existing, cash-flowing business?

Are you aware of the Silver Tsunami metaphor regarding nearly 10,000 baby boomers retiring per day?

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